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About us

Norautron, a company in EMBRON Group, is a full-service electronics manufacturer. As a service provider with a long track record, active in the international market since 1989, we see that our core processes and challenges as an EMS provider are the same regardless of market sector.

What`s more, delivering tailored results for specific segments often gives us positive spin offs that can be exploited by customers in other sectors and markets. Nevertheless, every sector has its own demands which must be acknowledged and addressed. Having the branch-specific employee skills and knowledge, tight contact with the distribution channels and the right manufacturing expertise are all crucial in order to both understand the customer and to serve them with the right customer service capabilities.

Norautron continuously strives to develop its capabilities and to improve productivity. Combined with our sector-specific knowledge this leads to cost reductions – a common interest of all our customers!

With fully integrated Human Capital Management, Quality Management Systems, Manufacturing Execution System and Enterprise Resource Planning, our services range from NPI & Prototyping including design advice, rapid prototyping and test development for both software and hardware.  We provide the Manufacturing service that covers Electronics, Electromechanical assembly and Mechanics. Furthermore, Norautron offers Industrialization that can include product ramp up, automation & assembly lines, sourcing and procurement and logistics and distribution. Our last service area is Product Life Cycle Management that can include lifecycle status, sourcing analytics, end of life management and after sales services.

We also act as a professional advisor in product development projects and work closely with several dedicated product development partners.

Norautron Norway

Nedrevei 8, Bygg 25
P.O. Box 205
N-3192 Horten, Norway
Tel: +47 33 03 04 00


Norautron Sweden

Östra vägen 1
SE-462 32 Vänersborg Sweden,
Trenova Center
Tel: +46 521 45 95 00



Norautron Suzhou  Co.,Ltd

Address: No.35 Dong Jing Economic Development Co.,Ltd
Telephone: +86 512 62653865


Norautron USA (Sales office)

Scott Lenz
Global Key Account Manager – Norautron USA
Tlf : +1 503-318-5150


Contact us

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